Services :
Excellence centre:
To guarantee and develop the solutions we have implemented, thanks to a diversified range of cloud-based facilities management services (private/public SaaS). For our customers, a Smart Business Services offering and outsourced managed services on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Arondor’s IT outsourcing services for businesses
The excellence centre in a few words :
Arondor is an outsourcing expert in the field of ECM (enterprise content management).
The managed services we offer our customers are applicable to a range of strategic areas of business management, from the challenge of dematerialisation to all the processes involved in managing incoming and outgoing data or optimising workflows within companies.
These solutions, developed in SaaS (cloud managed services) or on-premise, are subject to rigorous corrective, evolutionary and adaptive maintenance by our Service Centre experts.
Whether it’s third-party application maintenance (TAM), maintenance in operational condition (MCO) or software maintenance (MLO), we guarantee you the highest quality of service in the monitoring of our solutions.
Our approach:
A comprehensive support approach, starting with consulting and extending to monitoring and maintenance once our solutions have been deployed.
A single entry point: hotline with ITSM tools and processes.
Operational excellence: resources, processes & tools.
Onshore, nearshore and offshore delivery.
Shared service centres, dedicated or mixed.
Over 1,400 m2 of platforms dedicated to projects. -
4 secure sites: Paris, Orléans, Toulouse and Tunis.
High-performance tools and infrastructure.
In 2022, the Arondor Excellence Centre obtained ISO 27001:2013 certification, the international benchmark for data security. In 2023, the Arondor Excellence Centre obtained “health data hosting provider” certification, ensuring even greater commitment to data protection.
These certifications mark an important step forward, at a time when security has become a key issue for businesses. Since the health crisis, digitisation has accelerated and cyber threats have multiplied.
Arondor guarantees its customers, partners and employees an information security management system.

Focus on our ITIL approach
Keen to deliver value to its customers, the Arondor service centre has implemented processes based on the ITIL standard.
To do this, it relies on the right mix of experienced people, proven processes and cutting-edge technologies. This enables Arondor to continually improve the quality of the IT outsourcing services we provide to our customers.
Preventive Maintenance
Active Supervision
Intelligent Monitoring
TMA Anticipation
Corrective Maintenance
Adaptive Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance
Evolutive Maintenance
New Releases
Support Levels 1 & 2
Escalation Level 3 editor
Managed Services
Managed Security
Recovery As A Service
Cloud Optimisation
Our approach :
Declaration of claims 24/7.
Single point of contact for users.
End-to-end incident recording and tracking.
Informing users about the status of requests.
Qualification of the requests before transferring them to the appropriate experts.
Monitoring compliance with SLA commitments.
Closure of files with the agreement of the applicants.
Coordination of the actions of the second level of support.
Informing management to improve services.